Download our mobile app

Create and manage your personal currency exchange IBAN numbers, find the detail of your money transfers and browse currency exchange rates in real time straight from your phone.

Browse currency exchange rates

Browse our currency exchange rates in real time and make simulations of conversions that you would get with our service.

Currency converter
Dashboard screenshot of the ibani mobile app

Keep track of your transfers

Our mobile app shows you the history of all the transfers made with us, as well as the detail of each transaction:

  • Transfer status
  • Currency exchange date and time
  • Applied rate
  • Beneficiary
Activity screenshot from the ibani mobile app

Manage your IBANs

Create as many currency exchange IBANs as you need straight from the app and manage each one of them, including the manual or automatic management of your operations' currency exchange.

IBAN detail screenshot from the ibani mobile app

Manage your referrals

For each person that you invite on ibani, we give you CHF 25 as a thank you gift and we give CHF 10 to your friend as a small welcome gift.

Share your personal referral link from the app and follow each person who has used it to create an ibani account.

More info
Referral screenshot from the ibani mobile app

Available on iOS and Android

Our mobile app is available on both Google Play and the App Store. It's free of course!

App Store Badge
Google Play Badge

Rate ibani!

Do you like our mobile app? Share your experience with a review on Google Play or the App Store, it will be very helpful for people looking for a currency exchange service. Thanks a lot!

Rate ibani on the App Store
Rate ibani sur Google Play

Have a question?

Our FAQ gathers the most frequent questions that our clients ask us. Your question is probably answered there!

To the FAQ

If you don't find the answer you're looking for, our team will help you by email, on the phone (Monday to Friday), on Facebook or on Twitter.