How it works

Discover how our online currency exchange service and its dedicated Swiss IBAN number system works.

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1. Download our app

Get our mobile application on Android or IoS. It's free of course!

2. Choose a currency pair

You tell us in which currency we will receive funds, and in which currency you want them to be converted.

Our currencies

3. Provide a beneficiary account

You give us the details of the bank account where you want to receive the converted funds.

4. Get your personal currency exchange IBAN

We give you a Swiss IBAN specially attributed to the transfer route that you have created. It is not a bank account, but a transit one. You don't have to declare it in your tax returns.

5. Transfer away!

Funds can now be freely transferred to that IBAN. We convert them upon reception or at your signal, then immediately transfer them to destination.

If we receive your funds the morning of a business day, we send back the converted funds to the destination account within half an hour.

Have a question?

Our FAQ gathers the most frequent questions that our clients ask us. Your question is probably answered there!

To the FAQ

If you don't find the answer you're looking for, our team will help you by email, on the phone (Monday to Friday), on Facebook or on Twitter.