GBP icon EUR icon

British Pound to euro

GBP to EUR conversions at the right exchange rate, a fully transparent cost and zero hidden fees.

  • Our transfer fees: CHF 0
  • Our exchange margin: 0.50%
  • Final exchange rate: 1.1636
  • You'll save on average maintenant

* Transfers in currencies other than EUR and CHF may be subject to correspondent bank fees.

GBP-EUR conversion chart

The right exchange rate

When comparing the GBP-EUR exchange rate, the fees shown to you don't necessarily include the full cost of what you will really pay. Always compare the exchange rate displayed with the actual market rate, or you may pay too much through an inflated bid-ask spread.

At ibani, we only charge a tiny margin taken on the best exchange rate we can find for you.


Our rates for GBP-EUR

EUR Euro iconEUR
GBP currency iconFrom GBP
GBP currency iconTo GBP

Your Swiss partner

ibani SA is a FinTech company established in Geneva since 2018. We are an authorized and audited financial intermediary, with a track record of thousands of clients and transactions. We work with Swiss banks for your IBAN numbers and with institutional providers for your currency exchange.

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Our team is happy to help you by email, on the phone (Monday to Friday), on Facebook or on Twitter.

Please note that we cannot accept clients from: USA, China (residents only), Afghanistan, Bahamas, Botswana, Bosnia, Cambodia, Cuba, Ethiopia, Ghana, Guyana, Irak, Iran, Laos, North Korea, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Syria, Trinidad and Tobago, Tunisia, Uganda, Vanuatu, Yemen.