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Swiss franc to euro converter

  • Our transfer fees: CHF 0
  • Our exchange margin: 0.50%
  • Final exchange rate: 1.1636
  • You'll save on average maintenant

* Transfers in currencies other than EUR and CHF may be subject to correspondent bank fees.

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Access a wide range of currency pairs for conversion, including Swiss franc (CHF) to major currencies, with our intuitive online exchange platform. Seamlessly convert to and from CHF, EUR, USD, GBP, and more.

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Don't let hidden fees deceive you! Compare the CHF to EUR rates carefully. Many platforms only show part of the picture, leaving you to foot the bill for hidden costs. At ibani, we keep it transparent – offering you the best rate with minimal markup.

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Your trusted Swiss partner

Established in Geneva in 2018, ibani SA stands as a prominent figure in the FinTech landscape. As a duly authorized and audited financial intermediary, we take pride in our extensive experience, serving numerous clients with excellence in transactions. Collaborating with esteemed Swiss banks for IBAN provision and trusted institutional providers for currency exchange, we uphold the highest standards of reliability and security.

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